When the hydrophone works as an accelerometer - Event1

This repository contains the files of the waveform used in the paper. Data are organized for earthquake following the order reported in the table. The following directory contain the records of the pairs hydrophone-seismometer (vertical component) of the seabed modules as reported in the last column of the table
NOrigin time (UTC)Lat NLon EDepth
Magnitude (Mw)Epicentral distance (km)Geographical areaRecording
seabed modules
12016-10-26 19:18:0742.9013.099.65.9245Central ItalyA, B, C
Each file contains the raw data of the waveform recorded by the vertical component of the seismometer (HHZ file) or hydrophone (HD2 file). Data in SAC format, amplitude in counts. Example of file name:
File Name: B.HHZ-161028-2002_161028-2010.sac
B = seabed module B
HHZ = vertical component of the seismometer
161028 = starting date (YYMMDD)
2002 = starting time (hhmm)
161028 = ending date (YYMMDD)
2010 = ending time (hhmm)
You can download files as zipped file.
Seabed moduleSensor TypeStarting TimeEnding Time
AHydrophone2016-10-26 19:162016-10-26 19:26 
ASeismometer2016-10-26 19:162016-10-26 19:26 
BHydrophone2016-10-26 19:162016-10-26 19:26 
BSeismometer2016-10-26 19:162016-10-26 19:26 
CHydrophone2016-10-26 19:162016-10-26 19:26 
CSeismometer2016-10-26 19:162016-10-26 19:26 
https://doi.org/10.13127/hydrophone/1download all